LARGE VIEWS  1   2   3 
Size: 7.25"W x 6.25"D x 5.5"H
350.00 (Sold)

Made from a cigar box, this piece has a heart motif along with the words "A Stitch In Time...". The collector provided me with an antique pin keep and the aged material used for the interior of the box. The lid lifts off to reveal an interior that is painted and the bottom is lined with aged fabric. The interior lid has two reproduction trade cards taken from my collection.

As a "little something extra" I included about four dozen Victorian shell buttons and some odds and ends with this piece. As some people may know, Theresa has an addiction to buttons...some might even say she is a button whore, lol.

Approximately 40 hand-cut and carved pieces of wood were used in creating this one-of-a-kind work of art.