LARGE VIEWS  1   2   3 
Size: 4"W x 4"H x 4"D (closed – 4"W x 10"H x 4"D open)
75.00 SOLD

This "Jack-In-The-Box" was made in the likeness of Maggie the collectors pet cat. The box is made from handout pieces of wood, a linen hinge, a vintage spring and six hand cut and hand chip carved letters M, A, G, G, I, E so the box becomes an alphabet block spelling out the cat's name...Maggie. The head is hand sculpted and uses chip carved pieces of wood as "stamps" to press into the head. The ears and nose are chip carved pieces of wood applied to the head. The collar/ruffle is made with vintage crepe paper and is sewn and tied before being attached at the base of the head.